Responsive Registration Form in HTML with CSS Source Code


Responsive Registration Form in HTML with CSS Source Code

Mobile View:

responsive registration form using html and css

I will discuss creating a responsive registration form in HTML CSS in this article. Also, discuss how to make the simple form into a responsive form. I hope you are interested in creating the responsive form. Let's Start to build the registration form.

There is various type of forms like Sign-up form and Login Form. The main purpose of the forms is to collect information about your customers.

The form consists of different elements:

  • Labels
  • Input Fields
  • Radio Buttons
  • Drop-Down Menus
  • Buttons
  • Company Logo & Title

Create a Responsive Registration Form:

If you want to learn how to create a responsive registration form in HTML CSS. First, you need to create an HTML file. Then add the syntax of HTML. Add <div> container in the file and start to create a simple form accordingly to your requirements.
  • Add Labels and corresponding Input Fields.
  • Give background color of form.
  • Add Button
  • Style the Button, Labels, and Input Fields.
  • Add Legend to the form
  • Add Shadow Effect
So next step is to create a form responsive. To make the form responsive add a simple media query.

You can see in the above image of Registration Form. I added 4 input fields e.g First Name, Last Name, Email, and Password. You can add input fields accordingly to your requirements. I have used media queries of CSS to make it responsive. If you have not understood the CSS media query. Then you need to copy-paste the code that is given below.

Responsive Registration Form With HTML CSS Source Code:

If you can not understand the query. Do not worry about that. I have provided a complete HTML CSS Source code. Simply, You need to copy the Source code and create a single HTML file then paste it into your created HTML file. Enjoy the Registration Responsive Form 😍.

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